TEML non-terminating commands M-P
The non-terminating commands do not cause an exit to the IDE. They can be used in any sequence.
Command │ Action
MarkBufModified │ Sets a flag indicating that the contents ofthe
│ buffer are different than what is in the
│ corresponding disk file.
MarkBufUnModified │ Clears a flag, thus indicating that the
│ contents of the buffer can be assumed to
│ be identical to what is in the disk file.
MatchPairBackward │ Same as MatchPairForward except if the cursor
│ is on a ' or ", searches backward for
│ the matching character.
MatchPairForward │ If the cursor is on one of the characters(, ),
│ , , [, ], or on the first character of one of
│ the pairs /* or */, searches in the
│ appropriate direction for the closest instance
│ of the matching delimiter. If the cursor is on
│ the character ' or ", searches forward for
│ the matching character. If a match is found,
│ places the cursor there.
MoveBlock │ Like CopyBlock, but also deletes the original
│ selected text.
MoveToBlockBeg │ Moves cursor to the location marked as the
│ beginning of the selected text.
MoveToBlockEnd │ Moves cursor to the location marked as the end
│ of the selected text.
MoveToMark │ Moves the cursor to the location saved
│ with SetMark(n) command. Use syntax
│ MoveToMark(n), where n is a one-digit number,
│ 0-9.
MoveToPrevPos │ Moves the cursor to the location specified by
│ the "previous position marker."
MoveToTempPos │ Moves the cursor to the saved temporary
│ marker.
NullCmd │ No operation. Calls the editor, but performs
│ no function. Can be used to cause a keystroke
│ to have no effect.
OutdentBlock │ Deletes a leading space, if any, from
│ the beginning of each line in the highlighted
│ (selected) text.
PageDown │ Moves cursor down by number of lines in
│ thewindow.
PageScreenDown │ Scrolls screen down by numer of lines in the
│ window, leaving cursor position unchanged.
PageScreenUp │ Scrolls screen up by numer of lines in the
│ window, leaving cursor position unchanged.
PageUp │ Moves the cursor up by number of lines in the
│ window.
PaintScreen │ Redraws the entire window, assuming that the
│ screen still correctly displays what the
│ editor last drew on it.