> TEML non-terminating commands A-D


  TEML non-terminating commands A-D

The non-terminating commands do not cause an exit to the IDE. They can be used in any sequence.

  Command                    │ Action
  BackspaceDelete            │ Deletes character before the cursor.
  BottomOfScreen             │ Moves cursor to the bottom line of the current
                             │ window, leaving column unchanged.
  CenterFixScreenPos         │ Adjusts the screen display to ensure the
                             │ cursor is visible. If adjustment is necessary,
                             │ places the cursor close the the center of the
                             │ window.
  CopyBlock                  │ If there is a valid and selected text block,
                             │ inserts (at cursor location) a copy of the
                             │ characters that are selected. Makes that the
                             │ new selected text location.
  CursorCharLeft             │ Moves cursor left over one character. This
                             │ command will skip over tab characters and move
                             │ to the end of the previous line.
  CursorCharRight            │ Moves cursor right over one character.
                             │ This command will skip over tab characters and
                             │ advance to the beginning of the next line.
  CursorDown                 │ Moves cursor down one row.
  CursorLeft                 │ Moves cursor left one screen column.
  CursorRight                │ Moves cursor right one screen column.
  CursorSwitchedLeft         │ Like CursorLeft, but pays attention to
                             │ CursorThrough Tab option setting (see
                             │ SetCursorThroughTabMode).
  CursorSwitchedRight        │ Like CursorRight, but pays attention to
                             │ CursorThrough Tab option setting (see
                             │ SetCursorThroughTabMode).
  CursorUp                   │ Moves cursor up one row.
  DeleteBlock                │ If there is a valid and highlighted (selected)
                             │ text block, deletes the characters that are
                             │ in it.
  DeleteChar                 │ Deletes the character at the current
                             │ cursor location.
  DeleteLine                 │ Deletes the current line.
  DeleteToEOL                │ Deletes all characters in the current
                             │ line, leaving a zero-length line.
  DeleteWord                 │ Deletes from cursor to beginning of next word.

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