> Built-in Assembler Expression Types


   Built-in Assembler Expression Types

Every built-in assembler expression has an associated type.

This type is a size, because the built-in assembler regards the type of an expression as the size of its memory location.

The built-in assembler performs type checking whenever possible; an error results if the type check fails.

You can use a typecast to change the type of a memory reference. For

 example, all of these refer to the first (least significant) byte of the

OutBufPtr variable:

   MOV     DL,BYTE PTR OutBufPtr
   MOV     DL,Byte(OutBufPtr)
   MOV     DL,OutBufPtr.Byte

In some cases, a memory reference is untyped (it has no associated type); for example, an immediate value enclosed in square brackets:

   MOV     AL,[100H]
   MOV     BX,[100H]

The built-in assembler permits both of these instructions because the

 expression [100H] has no associated type (it just means "the contents of

address 100H in the data segment") and the type can be determined from the

 first operand (byte for AL, word for BX).

In cases where the type cannot be determined from another operand, the built-in assembler requires an explicit typecast, like this:

   INC     BYTE PTR [100H]
   IMUL    WORD PTR [100H]

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Тэги: Expressions Types

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