> Setrgbpl.PAS


  {Sample code for the SetRGBPalette procedure.}

  {The first example illustrates how to use SetRGBPalette on a system using
     an EGA graphics driver. The second example shows howto use
     SetRGBPalette on a system using a VGA graphics driver.}

  {Example 1:}

  uses Graph;

    RGBRec = record
      RedVal, GreenVal, BlueVal: Integer;
    EGAColors: array[0..MaxColors] of RGBRec =
      (                                     {NAME       COLOR}
      (RedVal:$00;GreenVal:$00;BlueVal:$00),{Black      EGA  0}
      (RedVal:$00;GreenVal:$00;BlueVal:$FC),{Blue       EGA  1}
      (RedVal:$24;GreenVal:$FC;BlueVal:$24),{Green      EGA  2}
      (RedVal:$00;GreenVal:$FC;BlueVal:$FC),{Cyan       EGA  3}
      (RedVal:$FC;GreenVal:$14;BlueVal:$14),{Red        EGA  4}
      (RedVal:$B0;GreenVal:$00;BlueVal:$FC),{Magenta    EGA  5}
      (RedVal:$70;GreenVal:$48;BlueVal:$00),{Brown      EGA 20}
      (RedVal:$C4;GreenVal:$C4;BlueVal:$C4),{White      EGA  7}
      (RedVal:$34;GreenVal:$34;BlueVal:$34),{Gray       EGA 56}
      (RedVal:$00;GreenVal:$00;BlueVal:$70),{Lt Blue    EGA 57}
      (RedVal:$00;GreenVal:$70;BlueVal:$00),{Lt Green   EGA 58}
      (RedVal:$00;GreenVal:$70;BlueVal:$70),{Lt Cyan    EGA 59}
      (RedVal:$70;GreenVal:$00;BlueVal:$00),{Lt Red     EGA 60}
      (RedVal:$70;GreenVal:$00;BlueVal:$70),{Lt Magenta EGA 61}
      (RedVal:$FC;GreenVal:$FC;BlueVal:$24),{Yellow     EGA 62}
      (RedVal:$FC;GreenVal:$FC;BlueVal:$FC) {Br. White  EGA 63}
    Driver, Mode, I: Integer;
    Driver := IBM8514;   { Override detection }
    Mode := IBM8514Hi;
    InitGraph(Driver, Mode, '');   { Put in graphics mode }
    if GraphResult < 0 then
    { Zero palette, make all graphics output invisible }
    for I := 0 to MaxColors do
      with EGAColors[I] do
        SetRGBPalette(I, 0, 0, 0);
    { Display something }
    { Change first 16 8514 palette entries }
    for I := 1 to MaxColors do
      OutTextXY(10, I * 10, ' ..Press any key.. ');
    { Restore default EGA colors to 8514 palette }
    for I := 0 to MaxColors do
      with EGAColors[I] do
        SetRGBPalette(I, RedVal, GreenVal, BlueVal);

  {Example 2:}

  { Example for SetRGBPalette with VGA 16 color modes }
  uses Graph, CRT;

    RGBRec = record
      RedVal, GreenVal, BlueVal : Integer;
       { Intensity values (values from 0 to 63) }
      Name: String;
      ColorNum: Integer;
       { The VGA color palette number as mapped into 16 color palette }
    { Table of suggested colors for VGA 16 color modes }
    Colors : array[0..MaxColors] of RGBRec = (
     ( RedVal:0;GreenVal:0;BlueVal:0;Name:'Black';ColorNum: 0),
     ( RedVal:0;GreenVal:0;BlueVal:40;Name:'Blue';ColorNum: 1),
     ( RedVal:0;GreenVal:40;BlueVal:0;Name:'Green';ColorNum: 2),
     ( RedVal:0;GreenVal:40;BlueVal:40;Name:'Cyan';ColorNum: 3),
     ( RedVal:40;GreenVal:7;BlueVal:7;Name:'Red';ColorNum: 4),
     ( RedVal:40;GreenVal:0;BlueVal:40;Name:'Magenta';ColorNum: 5),
     ( RedVal:40;GreenVal:30; BlueVal:0;Name:'Brown';ColorNum: 20),
     ( RedVal:49;GreenVal:49;BlueVal:49;Name:'Light Gray';ColorNum: 7),
     ( RedVal:26;GreenVal:26;BlueVal:26;Name:'Dark Gray';ColorNum: 56),
     ( RedVal:0;GreenVal:0;BlueVal:63;Name:'Light Blue';ColorNum: 57),
     ( RedVal:9;GreenVal:63;BlueVal:9;Name:'Light Green';ColorNum: 58),
     ( RedVal:0;GreenVal:63;BlueVal:63;Name:'Light Cyan';ColorNum: 59),
     ( RedVal:63;GreenVal:10;BlueVal:10;Name:'Light Red';ColorNum: 60),
     ( RedVal:44;GreenVal:0;BlueVal:63;Name:'Light Magenta';
            ColorNum: 61),
     ( RedVal:63;GreenVal:63;BlueVal:18;Name:'Yellow';ColorNum: 62),
     ( RedVal:63; GreenVal:63; BlueVal:63; Name: 'White'; ColorNum: 63)
    Driver, Mode, I, Error: Integer;
    { Initialize Graphics Mode }
    Driver := VGA;
    Mode := VGAHi;
    InitGraph(Driver, Mode, 'C:\TP\BGI');
    Error := GraphResult;
    if Error <> GrOk then
    SetFillStyle(SolidFill, Green);   { Clear }
    Bar(0, 0, GetMaxX, GetMaxY);
    if GraphResult < 0 then
      Halt(1); { Zero palette, make graphics invisible }
    SetRGBPalette(Colors[0].ColorNum, 63, 63, 63);
    for i := 1 to 15 do
      with Colors[i] do
        SetRGBPalette(ColorNum, 0, 0, 0);

    { Display the color name using its color with an appropriate background }

   { Notice how with the current palette settings, only the text for"Press
     any key...", "Black", "Light Gray", and "White" are visible.This occurs
     because the palette entry for color 0 (Black) has beenset to display as
     white. For the text "Light Gray" and "White,"color 0 (Black) is used as
     the background.}
    OutTextXY(0, 10, 'Press Any Key...');
    for I := 0 to 15 do
      with Colors[I] do
          SetFillStyle(SolidFill, (I xor 15) and 7);
          { "(I xor 15)" gives an appropriate background }
          { " and 7" reduces the intensity of the background }
          Bar(10, (I + 2) * 10 - 1, 10 + TextWidth(Name),
            (I + 2) * 10 + TextHeight(Name) - 1);
          OutTextXY(10, (I + 2) * 10, Name);
   { Restore original colors to the palette. The default colors might vary
     depending upon the initial values used by your video system.}
    for i := 0 to 15 do
      with Colors[i] do
        SetRGBPalette(ColorNum, RedVal, GreenVal, BlueVal);
    { Wait for a keypress and then quit graphics and end. }

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