> The Reference Browser


 The Reference Browser

The Reference view displays reference information for the symbol displayed in the declaration view.

Reference information consists of the name of the program and the line number where the symbol is used. If there is no reference information for a symbol, the symbol is not being used in your program.

Hot keys used in the Reference view:

  Hot key             Mouse equivalent             What it does

 Ctrl+I              Click I in window frame      Display inheritance info
 Ctrl+O              Right-click to display       Display Local Browser
                     browser local menu, then     dialog box
                     click Options
 Ctrl+P              Click Search|Previous        Open the previous
                     browser                      browser window
 Ctrl+R              Click R in window frame      Display reference info
 Ctrl+S              Click S in window frame      Display scope info
 Ctrl+T              Click Ctrl+T hot key on      Track references in
                     the status line              source code
 Ctrl+G, Ctrl+Enter  Click Ctr+Enter hot key      Go to source code
                     on status line
 Shift+next browsing Hold down Shift and click    Reverses current Sub-
 action              next browsing action         Browsing option for this
                                                  action only

The reference pane can be used with the Auto Track option to track source code.

See Using the ObjectBrowser for more information.

 К началу страницы 

Код для вставки: :: :: :: ГОСТ ::
Поделиться: //

Хостинг предоставлен компанией "Веб Сервис Центр" при поддержке компании "ДокЛаб"