▄ Map File
You use the Map File radio buttons to choose the type of map file to be produced at link time.
For settings other than Off, the map file is placed in the Object directory defined in the Options│Directories dialog box.
│ (∙) Off │
The Off setting tells the linker not to create a map file. This is the default setting.
│ ( ) Segments │
The Segments option tells the linker to produce a map file that includes a list of segments, the program start address, and any error messages generated during the link.
│ ( ) Public │
The Public option tells the linker to produce the same map file that Segments produces, with a list of public symbols added (sorted alphabetically).
│ ( ) Detailed │
The Detailed option tells the linker to produce the same map file that Publics produces, with a detailed segment map added.
The detailed segment map includes the address, length in bytes, segment name, group, and module information.
The Map File options produce complete debugging information for a module only if that module has been compiled with the Options│Compiler Debug Information option checked.
The Map File options produce local symbol information for a module only if that module has been compiled with the O│C Local Symbols option checked.