Built-in Assembler Prefix Opcodes
The built-in assembler supports the following prefix opcodes:
Opcode What It Means
LOCK Bus lock
REP Repeat string operation
REPE Repeat string operation while equal
REPZ Repeat string operation while 0
REPNE Repeat string operation while not equal
REPNZ Repeat string operation while not 0
SEGCS CS (code segment) override
SEGDS DS (data segment) override
SEGES ES (extra segment) override
SEGSS SS (stack segment) override
An assembler instruction can be prefixed by zero, one, two, or three of these opcodes.
If you specify a prefix opcode without an instruction opcode in the same statement, the prefix opcode affects the instruction opcode in the next assembler statement.
Because some 80x86 processors do not handle all combinations correctly, ordering in multiple prefix opcodes is important.