How to Add a Program to the Tools menu
Select Options|Tools|New to display the Modify/New Tool dialog box.
■ Step 1
In the Title input box, type a short description of the program you're adding.
If you want the program to have a keyboard shortcut (like the "S" in the Save command or the "t" in the Cut command), include a tilde (~) in the name (like this: ~Save or Cu~t).
■ Step 2
Choose the Program Path input box and enter the program name.
You can include the full path to the program, but it's not required.
■ Step 3
Choose the Command Line input box and type any parameters or macro commands you want passed to the program.
Macro commands always start with a dollar sign ($).
■ Step 4
If you want to assign a keyboard shortcut to the program, go to the Hot Key buttons and choose a keyboard shortcut.
Keystrokes already assigned appear in the list but are unavailable.
■ Step 5
Click or choose the New button to add the program to the list.
See Also