▄ Command-line (Start-Up) Options
When you start the Borland Pascal IDE from the DOS command line, you can add start-up options to the command line.
Turbo Pascal command-line options use this syntax:
TURBO [options] [files]
Borland Pascal command-line options use:
BP [options] [files]
where [options] can be one or more options, separated by spaces.
■ Place a + (or a space) after an option to
turn it On.
■ Place a - after the option to turn it Off.
These are the IDE's command-line (start-up) options:
Option │ Default │ What It Does
/C │ TURBO.TP │ Loads a configuration file
/D │ omit /D │ Dual monitor mode
/E │ /E28 │ Changes editor heap size
/G │ /G- │ Enables full graphics memory save
/L │ /L- │ Use only when running on an LCD screen
/N │ /N+ │ Enables/disables CGA snow checking
/O │ /O112 │ Changes overlay heap size
/P │ /P- │ Controls palette-swapping on EGA adapters
/R │ /R+ │ Specifies default directory
/S │ Current │ Specifies "fast" swap area (no EMS)
│ directory│
/T │ /T+ │ Loads the .TPL at startup
/W │ /W32 │ Changes window heap size
/X │ /X+ │ Places system resources in EMS
/Y │ /Y │ "Remembers" symbol information between compiles
You can set these startup options from within the IDE, in the O│E│Startup Options dialog box.